Investment process

Our investment managers use a bottom up, stock-selection focus, sourcing from a global pool, unconstrained by a prescriptive investment horizon or benchmark.

The team thrives on a culture of constructive internal debate. This is fired along by our average of 10 years of investment experience, encompassing a broad range of geographic regions and industry sectors.

After thorough consideration, holding size will be determined by the strength of conviction and perceived upside opportunity. Additional insight is gained through conversation and meeting with corporate management teams and undertaking regular regional visits around the world.

A strong ‘sell’ discipline rounds out the process.  An important part of our approach is to sell investments where we no longer envisage a prospect for significant further upside.

Apexbloom Finance continues to grow ever day thanks to the confidence our clients have in us. We cover many industries such as financial, energy, business services, travel and tourism

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