Apexbloom Finance

Financial Services

Highly qualified and experienced staff give independent advice on such financial services as pensions, inheritance tax, life assurance and protection, health insurance, employee benefits, investments, business protection and wealth planning. We help companies pivot into more profitable directions where they can expand and grow. It is inevitable that individuals and companies will end up making a few mistakes; we help them correct these mistakes.

We help companies turnaround their non-profitable ventures into something that benefits them. Our specialty lies in understanding what makes a company special and what makes it tick.

We aim to build long term relationships with our clients and provide personal and corporate financial advice and solutions that you can trust and which provide peace of mind and security.

Sector Expertise

  • Banking
  • Insurance
  • Risk, Finance and Regulation

You can transform your savings, funds or business to a revenue-producing asset that lets you work as much or as little as you want.

Business planning & strategy

Our clients are often surprised by the possibilities we present to them; we work with leading institutions in the banking, insurance  and asset management sectors in all major areas, including:

  • Retail banking
  • Private banking and wealth management
  • Corporate banking and capital markets
  • Transaction banking
  • Asset management
  • Life and property insurance
  • Health insurance
  • Reinsurance
  • Risk, liquidity and capital management
  • Stock markets and financial market infrastructure

Research beyond the business plan

Business plan market

Apexbloom Finance has deep expertise in financial services, but we also look beyond the industry and draw upon our capabilities experience. We tailor these offerings to the needs of our financial services clients to help them solve problems or pursue opportunities in many areas, including:

  • Growth strategy
  • Organizational effectiveness
  • Operational excellence
  • Compliance
  • Information technology
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Change management
  • Private equity
  • Performance improvement
  • Customer experience
  • Customer loyalty and insights

Earnings Projections for 2020

how can we help you?

Contact our Live Agents or submit a business inquiry online.

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